In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of sending a registration confirmation email in Laravel. Sending personalized confirmation emails enhances user experience and ensures successful user onboarding. We’ll cover the entire process from configuring the mail driver to customizing email templates.

Step 1: Configure Mail Driver

Before sending emails, make sure your mail driver is properly configured. Open the config/mail.php file and update the necessary settings. You can use services like Mailgun, SMTP, etc. Configure the driver in your .env file with the corresponding credentials.

Step 2: Create a Mailable

Generate a Mailable class using the Artisan command:

php artisan make:mail RegistrationMail

This creates a new Mailable class in the App\Mail namespace.

Step 3: Customize the Mailable

Open the generated RegistrationMail.php file and customize the build method to include the registration details. Define public properties for user details to be passed to the view.

    public $user;
    public function __construct($user)
        $this->user = $user;
    public function build()
        return $this->view(emails.registration)
            name => $this->user->name,
            email => $this->user->email,
            // Add more registration details here
        ->subject(Welcome to YourApp – Registration Confirmation);

Step 4: Create an Email Template

Create a Blade view file for the email content. Laravel expects this file to be in the resources/views/emails directory. Create resources/views/emails/registration.blade.php:

    <!– resources/views/emails/registration.blade.php –>
    <p>Hello {{ $name }},</p>
    <p>Thank you for registering on YourApp. Here are your registration details:</p>
        <li>Name: {{ $name }}</li>
        <li>Email: {{ $email }}</li>
        <!– Add more registration details here –>
    <p>Thank you for choosing YourApp!</p>


Step 5: Send Email in Registration Controller

In your user registration controller (e.g., RegisterController.php), after creating a new user, dispatch the RegistrationMail Mailable:

use App\Mail\RegistrationMail;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;

use App\Mail\RegistrationMail;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;
public function register(Request $request)
    Mail::to($user->email)->send(new RegistrationMail($user));
    return redirect()->route(home)->with(success, Registration successful!
Check your email for confirmation.);


Replace $user with the actual variable containing the user details.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully implemented registration confirmation emails in your Laravel application. Users will now receive personalized emails with their registration details, enhancing their onboarding experience.

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